What do you do if you’re scared to shoot in games? How can you take control of your fear, and realize that it’s not as bad as you think? In this article, I’ll explore the reasons behind being afraid to shoot in games, and how to overcome that fear if it’s really holding you back from having fun playing your favorite shooter games.
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Scared To Shoot In Games
It’s natural to tense up when you’re shooting at goal, but remember that you need to breathe if you want to make a good shot. Avoid holding your breath, or holding it in anticipation of taking a shot. Just take a deep breath and relax – that way, you can stay focused on what matters: Making goals!
Practice Makes Perfect
Practice often at home or at a gym and get a nearby coach to practice. Don’t wait until you can shoot perfectly to begin playing basketball. Although it might not feel like you’re doing much, practicing with a ball every day is better than going through shooting drills once a week. After all, practice makes perfect—and there’s no reason to wait to get started. Find someone who has experience teaching basic skills or follow along with instructions online so that you don’t waste time struggling with simple shots at first. Then ask that person if they’ll help you learn more advanced shots later on.
Don’t Rush Yourself
Everyone is afraid to shoot when first starting out. It’s an unnatural action and very few people actually enjoy it (don’t be scared if you don’t). But, with time, you’ll get used to your new role and being a scorer will become natural. The key is just to stick with it, don’t rush yourself through practices or drills and do them correctly so that you get better. Over time, you’ll naturally start getting more shots off in games because your confidence will go up!
Set Up For Success
Don’t practice right before a game or go into a game trying to feel confident with your shot. It’s best to start shooting and practicing as early as possible. The more reps you get at shooting, each time seeing yourself making shots, will strengthen your confidence and set you up for success. Visualize yourself nailing every shot and it is likely to happen. Don’t wait until an important game because that can be too much pressure and stress and your performance may suffer due to nerves. Make sure you warm up before any games so that if/when shots come you can knock them down with ease!
Keep Trying
Every basketball player fears being yanked. It’s one of the worst feelings in the world, but it happens to even the best players in the league at some point or another. However, no matter how bad you feel, never quit shooting. That applies to real-life basketball and NBA 2K18 as well! Even if you’re scared to take a shot because you think your opponent will block it, keep trying! Over time, your confidence will grow and eventually that basket is going down! When it comes to learning how to shoot in games like NBA 2K18 and elsewhere, don’t give up on practice; hard work pays off and with enough dedication you’ll be able to defeat even the most aggressive defenders by scoring every time down the court.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE