How Larry Bird Won the Three-Point Shooting Contest

How Larry Bird Won the Three-Point Shooting Contest

In 1980, three-point shooters were just coming into their own in the NBA. The first three-point field goal competition at the NBA All-Star Game had just been held that year, and it pitted the league’s top three-point shooters against each other in an exciting shootout to determine who was the best marksman from behind the arc. This was also Larry Bird’s rookie season in the NBA, so everyone knew this was going to be an interesting match-up from the get-go, with Bird going up against some of the game’s best veterans and competitors.

Larry Bird Won the Three-Point Shooting Contest

Win and Regain Confidence in the Shootout

This is exactly what happened with Larry Bird in 1986. He had some great years in his first tenure with Boston, but a bad back (and heart surgery) slowed him down and cost him quite a few games and shots. However, as soon as he got back into shape and started hitting shots again it skyrocketed his confidence. This allowed him to return to form, which subsequently allowed him to hit 15 of 19 three-pointers during that three-point contest. It was a comeback story for sure; unfortunately for Cleveland fans, it ended quickly when Orlando’s Nick Anderson hit two quick baskets near the end of regulation that broke out of a tie game into one final win for Orlando.

Hitting Three-Pointers in Practice

He spent hours in the gym getting up shots to master his shooting ability. His preparation and practice during the week carried over to Sundays and led him to win the three-point contest. He won it by utilizing drills he’d done at home every night after his game day responsibilities were finished, because he knew that was what it took to be successful. His dedication paid off and his skills on the court carried over into contests.

Selecting a Good Spot on the Floor

The three-point shooting contest was a highlight of the NBA’s 1986 All-Star Weekend. With

Larry Legend in his prime, the league knew that one of its biggest stars would go into the competition as the favorite. And he did; the hype surrounding his title win was intense. Many believed it came down to a single shot: His last of five attempts from half court. He made it and won, handily beating out his closest competitor by making 27 of 30 shots.

Use Different Types of Shots

It’s important to take a wide range of shots when you’re in a game, from close to mid-range. This allows you to keep your opponent off balance and gives you more space on the court. You can shoot three pointers or even one step shots off one leg for those time when there isn’t much space on the court. You need to be able to shoot with precision at any range of positions that is necessary in order to score as many points as possible during a game. If you are making it difficult for your opponent by shooting different shots, they will miss more often than they would like and they may become frustrated while trying to figure out how to stop you from scoring.

The Competition

Larry knew his opponent was a talented and accomplished sharpshooter. He knew that his opponent had not just won, but had dominated in previous three-point shooting contests. But he also knew how good he was. And he knew that his ankle injury would not hold him back one bit if he could get into range to shoot.

What Larry Bird Did Differently

While other players used some of their time practicing their shot, Bird practiced a lot with a personal shooting coach named Bruce Bohannon. Bohannon wasn’t just an ordinary shooting coach; he was an incredibly talented one who had also helped Steve Alford turn himself into a great shooter. In three years under Bohannon’s tutelage, Alford went from shooting around 30% to almost 50%. He won player of the year in his junior season and made it to a few all-star games. The point is, while his competitors were going through drills they knew how to do in their sleep, he was working with a world class teacher and learning how to get better.

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If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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