How to fix your balance when shooting a basketball? Too many jump shots are missed because the player doesn’t have proper balance during their shot. Here’s how to balance on your jumpshot so you can sink every shot at the rim!
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Fix Your Balance When Shooting a Basketball
First step – understand your body
Understanding your body and how it functions is crucial to becoming a better shooter. Many people, when they think of balance, will mistakenly try to focus on a single leg or foot. This approach is flawed for two reasons: 1) it neglects to account for rotational forces and 2) you don’t have to have perfect balance; you just need to not fall over. Instead of focusing on a single limb, think about your body as a whole unit that needs to be balanced and then adjust your position based on where your center of gravity is at any given moment. That way you can always find balance by using tiny adjustments in tension or positioning and avoid falling down.
Second step – estimate what you can do better
To be balanced, the key to improving your shooting and maintaining your balance, is core strength. A strong core provides you with stability and allows you to maneuver on the court easier. Core strength also helps eliminate any unwanted tension in your body during the shooting motion. There are multiple ways to strengthen your core and start on strengthening each weak spot on your body. You should pick one that works best for you from all of them. One thing is clear, working on each weakness will help your balance and make it easier for you to shoot the ball straight and consistent.
Third step – try it out
It’s time to put each balance workout into practice. These exercises may be new to you, but it’s important to remember that practice makes perfect! Keep at it, and soon you’ll find yourself shooting with better balance than ever before. You don’t have to start your workouts with these three balance exercises—they’re just here as examples of how you can train your body to get back in tune with its natural shooting mechanics. They’re meant as just a starting point; you’ll learn which exercises are best for your own personal routine once you’ve put them into practice and found what works best for you. And don’t worry—we’ve given you plenty of options in case an exercise isn’t working out for you or if one gets boring; just move on and try something else!
Fourth step – think about the results
If you’re serious about shooting better, you need to focus on the end game and stop being disappointed by the process. Like any skill, there are no shortcuts for shooting. As you improve your balance, it will take time—and that’s OK. Once you realize that improvement happens incrementally, your confidence in your ability will increase and the process will feel less frustrating. And don’t forget the importance of core strength! A strong core is essential for shooting balance and injury prevention. Plus, it keeps you from getting soft during offseason training—which is never good for basketball players!
Get online training!
The most effective way to improve your balance is to hire an online trainer at home who can help you fix your shooting form by demonstrating and coaching proper shooting technique. This way, if your problem is in say, your leg strength then they will be able to customize the workout and exercise program based on that. This ensures you work out efficiently and get professional results within an hour per day! Nowadays many people want everything fast, and with hiring an online trainer at home, that’s exactly what you’re going to get; fast results!

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE