This Weird Trick Will Help You Shoot Consistently

This Weird Trick Will Help You Shoot Consistently

Are you tired of shooting poorly and missing the rim? You aren’t alone! Many players are so frustrated with their missed shots that they have decided to give up basketball altogether, but it doesn’t have to be this way. No matter what your skill level, you can increase your shooting consistency by using these simple yet effective shooting consistency drills! With a few minutes each day, you will soon see an improvement in your shot accuracy and your confidence in game situations!

Reduce fatigue

If you’re shooting in a game, you’re already fatigued. You don’t want to get into a slump by the third quarter. To avoid that, make sure you’re in shape beforehand by exercising regularly and eating well. If it’s just not possible to be in game shape, then take extra time to warm up when you get to the court and have an awareness of how tired you are throughout the game so you can compensate for fatigue later on if needed.

Practice Makes Perfect

While most athletes recognize the importance of consistent practice, that’s only half the battle. We can’t expect to become more consistent if we don’t put in the necessary work. The key is finding ways to get into a rhythm and maintain that consistency during your everyday shooting sessions and those off-court practices. If you want to shoot like Stephen Curry, work on your game until it becomes second nature to you; then, shoot consistently on command. When he was asked how he became such a tremendous shooter, Curry explained that it takes a lot of repetition—repetition and hard work every single day. That’s what it takes. Practice makes perfect, after all!

Train In The Best Environment

Shooting around great shooters can not only help you pick up some amazing tips and advice, but it will also force you to work hard to keep up. The fear of looking bad in front of other shooters—which is bound to happen—is a powerful motivator for focusing on good shooting habits and making sure your shot is as tight as possible. When you train in an environment that’s conducive to success, practice sessions are more focused and productive. Plus, you’ll find yourself with more confidence when you go shoot by yourself. Many studies show we tend to be more consistent at things we enjoy doing and when we feel good about ourselves.

Narrow Your Focus

Be honest with yourself. What is your weakest aspect of your shooting game? Many players identify their weaknesses in areas such as shooting accuracy, free throw consistency, three-point range, or half-court shot release time. It’s easy to get caught up in improving an already strong area; you might say my three-point range is good, but I want it to be better. While improving your shooting in a different part of your game isn’t a bad idea—you should try and improve everywhere—it’s important to focus on your most neglected skills first.

Use A Shooting Mat

Shooting on a flat court can make it difficult to correct your shooting footwork—especially if you are just starting out. A shooting mat is a great tool that can help athletes set up and shoot more consistently. Shooting mats are usually made of rubber, and they have a textured surface so your feet have something to grip. While many kids these days play on synthetic or hardwood courts, basketball players of all ages can benefit from using a shooting mat. And don’t worry about ruining your backboard; professionals use these all over gymnasiums for offseason practice! The best part about using one is that it will help you develop good habits early, allowing you to easily transfer them to normal playing conditions when needed.

Wear Quality Equipment

Your shoes play a difference in how you feel on the court when shooting. That’s why a pair of high-quality shoes can improve your shot rythym and accuracy. If you aren’t using the best equipment, it’s time to get some. Shoes matter in basketball—and they might be even more important than you think. (Learn More: Best Basketball Shoes)

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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