The Mindset Trick Steph Curry Uses to be a Good Shooter

The Mindset Trick Steph Curry Uses to be a Good Shooter

If you want to be an elite shooter like Steph Curry, your mindset matters. In fact, your mindset could matter even more than the mechanics of shooting that you practice all day long. Instead of focusing on the mechanics of your shot, you need to focus on your confidence and self-belief before each shot so that you know it’s going in before you even let it go. Here’s how Steph does it.

Steph Curry’s Mindset Trick To Being A Great Shooter

Great shooters use these habits to help them mentally prepare for the game ahead. You don’t have to shoot at a 90% clip for these techniques to help you; if you want to improve your shooting and make more shots, then start integrating these key behaviors into your routine. Make sure you follow through and employ them in the moments when it counts, though; if all else fails, remember that by shooting confidently, you’ll build confidence—and success will soon follow.

Why do you play?

If you play for the stats or the fame, then you’re playing for the wrong reasons. For most players and teams that isn’t good enough. You play to win games, not take shots. Understand your objective and focus on how to achieve it together with your team; nothing else matters. The biggest misconception in basketball is that it’s all about scoring points or even getting assists; it’s not. Your team needs you focused on the same mission: winning games! That should be your only objective! And if you want real success, there’s no other way. To keep you focused on what matters most, make sure your mindset is locked in on being confident and shooting with confidence because those two factors go hand-in-hand in basketball.

Set yourself up for success

Regardless of how you define success, you can use certain things to help put yourself in a position to succeed. For example, one of Steph’s ways he set himself up for success was to surround himself with like-minded basketball players who just happened to be best friends. These close friendships enable him and his teammates not only played better together on court but also stay in tune with one another outside of basketball which ultimately lead them becoming leaders on their team. Once they became leaders, it enabled them setting themselves up for more success because now they had some people on their team that were looking up to them and wanted to listen what they have to say; therefore making it easier for them to lead everyone else around them towards a common goal.

Practice Makes Permanent

If you aren’t practicing, you aren’t learning. Get in the gym and work on it! It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that in order to truly improve, you have to spend hours upon hours every day working on your game. This may be true for some people and some goals (I would argue that for most of us, however, it’s not), but shooting is an activity where practice actually makes permanent. That is, if you’re not perfecting your shot from one day-to-the-next then you are getting worse and doing so at an increasingly rapid rate. Working hard on your jump shot or free throw is going make it easier for you the next time…and even easier the time after that.

Build your confidence – Steph Curry’s mindset trick

It might seem a little weird at first, but stay with us. When Stephen Curry is about to go into practice or warm up before game, he does something that totally changes his mindset: He takes off his shoes and socks. According to him, That’s my thing. Some players listen to music or look at pictures of their family members before taking on an opponent, but not Curry. Every time he walks onto the court, he sheds one layer of clothing in order to feel lighter and more nimble on his feet. If you want to build your confidence as a shooter during practice or at shootaround before games, try doing something similar.

Hangout With Other Leaders!

Many professional basketball players, for example, are leaders not just in the sports world but all over the world. You might know one of these guys: LeBron James. Carmelo Anthony. Chris Paul. Damian Lillard. This is an important reason why Stephen chooses to hang out with other leaders – so he can find motivation from them! Not only that, but being around people who can genuinely relate will encourage you as well (and vice versa). It’s really good for getting advice on how to become a better person in general — especially if you know that leader is looking out for his followers (which should be obvious).

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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