Stephen Curry’s Secret Scoring Hacks

Stephen Curry’s Secret Scoring Hacks scoring secrets have been revealed! The NBA All-Star has had such success in the last few years, many wonder how he does it. Not only does he shoot at an incredibly high percentage, but his versatility as a shooter adds another layer of difficulty for defenders to cover him, and that often results in uncontested shots at the rim and beyond the three-point line. Whether you’re playing pickup games or just hoping to improve your skills on the court, these tips will help you take your game to the next level. Take notes; here are Stephen Curry’s secret scoring hacks

7 easy ways to improve your shooting

If you want to become a better shooter, then there are several things you can do to improve your accuracy. Stephen Curry is the best shooter statistically, here is 7 ways to score like curry: Learn how to shoot properly and consistently Practice daily or weekly Test yourself or have others test you Watch videos of players similar to yourself Use shooting aids such as shooting hoops or nets Focus on the fundamentals; figure out where your weaknesses are and then develop a strategy on how to adjust them Practice the right drills in order to hone your skills.

Use the right basketball shoes

You need to make sure that the shoes you choose are comfortable, to reduce the chance of injury or discomfort during a game. And if your shoes aren’t properly broken in, it can affect your accuracy, as well. The best way to break them in is to wear them for about 2 weeks before you play an actual game. This ensures that they fit properly and that you feel comfortable when playing. Stephen Curry wore basketball shoes on the court before he made his first NBA appearance with Golden State Warriors.

Know the basics

The best shooters in the world are those who know how to exploit their opponents’ defense. A good shot is one that you’re likely to make; a bad shot is one that you’re unlikely to make. While it may seem obvious, there are a lot of shots—like behind-the-back dribbles or twisting layups—that players take and end up missing way more often than making them.

Perfect your form

Most pro-basketball players learn the ins and outs of the game from an early age, learning at the feet of their fathers on the court in their backyard. Few though have had to work as hard as Stephen Curry on his jump shot. Before joining the Golden State Warriors, Steph grew up playing basketball with his father Dell— a former NBA player himself. As a result, he had to spend hours practicing his shooting form in the backyard with Dell, who critiqued him on every shot.

Stay in control while taking shots

The key to scoring with control is to keep your emotions in check. If you start thinking you should be scoring, or if you become overly frustrated that shots aren’t falling, you’ll lose focus and make mistakes. Instead, stay in control of your body and mind. Visualize each shot: Where will it go? What do I have to do to make it? Follow through every time; don’t get too low when a shot doesn’t go in.

Work on your ball handling skills

It sounds silly, but practicing your ball handling on a daily basis is vital. If you aren’t already doing it, get into a habit of bouncing and dribbling with both hands. Make sure your handle is tight, having confidence of not getting stripped helps on court as well. Turn up to practice early and get up extra shots. I have found that shooting 500-1,000 shots before every practice really helps my jumper in game situations. Practice is key!

Practice from different spots on the court

Many people practice shooting in spots that feel comfortable, where they know they’ll make shots. But to have a high shooting percentage in games, you need to learn how to shoot from spots on the court that aren’t familiar or natural. When you step into those spots during games, there will be more pressure and fear. This means you can get used to taking shots in uncomfortable situations and stay calm under pressure when it really counts!

Get closer to the basket than you think you can

The closer you are to the basket, the easier it is to score. While a lot of people get close to the hoop, they still miss some easy shots because they don’t get close enough. Stephen Curry is one player who can truly say he gets closer than anyone else on the court! The key to his success? He makes sure he’s at least 12 feet away from the basket when he releases the ball so he can maximize accuracy and distance!

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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