Each sport has its own unique set of skills, but one of the most important skills in basketball is shooting form. Many players don’t even realize that they’re doing something wrong with their shooting form until they start playing with other people.
At that point, they suddenly notice that everyone else has more accurate shots than they do and can’t understand why.
At that point, they suddenly notice that everyone else has more accurate shots than they do and can’t understand why. what is the secret to Perfect Basketball Shooting Form?
Table of Contents
Perfecting your form so that you can focus on other aspects of the game without worrying about whether or not you’re going to make the shot next time.
Appreciate you stopping by for some basketball tips. We have a special offer with 6ixShooter Academy, the top basketball training training program, you’ll learn how to instantly fix your form, accuracy, and range.”
3 Steps to Perfect Basketball Shooting Form

Perfecting basketball shooting form is essential for every shooter. Stephen Curry is arguably the greatest shooter of all time, and he follows three simple steps every single day:
- Consistency
- Stability
- Rhythm
Consistency means starting every shot with the same mechanics—both feet stationary on the floor, both elbows locked, even weight distribution—and practicing those same fundamentals until they become natural movements instead of conscious actions.
Steph does exactly that: he shoots at least 500 shots a day and there’s very little variance from one attempt to the next.
This ensures his shooting motion is consistent from day-to-day and game-to-game. Consistency also applies to your practice routine; shoot with the same ball, in the same place, at least twice a week if not more often!
Step 1: Warm Up Properly
This is the only warm-up you should need to get your legs warmed up and ready for shooting. Start close to the rim in order to warm up your legs in your jumpshot. From there, shoot from spots farther and farther away from the basket until you are at the other end of the court.
This can help get you a good feel for shooting with power from every spot on the court, which will make it easier to be consistent while under pressure.
Make sure that when you shoot your form is as consistent as possible so that you can build muscle memory in each shot.
Step 2: Familiarize Yourself With the Form

Whether you’re learning to shoot or looking to make some changes, first you need to familiarize yourself with the form. Shoot a few free throws and pay attention to your shooting motion.
Evaluate your stance, the angle of your feet, your arm-leg coordination, and anything else that feels natural. With practice you will start to feel more comfortable and confident with the shot.
After all, you need good habits and consistent form if you want good results! If there are specific problems areas, it is best to have a trainer evaluate them so that you can be sure that any fixes are accurate and effective. This allows for more time practicing good shooting instead of bad ones!
Step 3: Practice Makes Perfect

The best way to keep your form is by practicing game situation shots repetitively. This may be hard to do when you’re first starting out, so find a player who has consistent form and attempt to mimic their motion.
You can also look at a great shooter’s form on YouTube or in slow motion and replicate it as much as possible. No matter what, remember to keep working on it because consistency is key for any sports shot. Practice makes perfect—and it will help improve your shooting ability and make sure that you are always using proper form.
Consistency is key with any type of shot; if you shoot with bad form, then chances are that’s how they’ll end up looking in a real game. So make sure to practice shooting over and over again—especially with varying distances from the basket.
When you’re trying new moves like fadeaways or jumpers, pay close attention to whether or not your footwork stays consistent from shot-to-shot. If it doesn’t then work on creating more consistency before adding new types of shots into your repertoire!
What Stephen Curry Does To Be A Sniper

Stephen Curry has a consistent shooting form up close and when he steps further out.
Consistency is important when working on your shooting form because if you shoot with two different forms, you won’t be able to get a rhythm and will miss a lot more shots than usual. Also try and take as many shots up close so that you’re a consistent shooter from all distances and ranges.
Think about it like Stephen curry; he knows what his shot is going to look like every time he shoots, so why wouldn’t you want that? Also remember that consistency comes with practice, repetition, and patience!
So work hard at it everyday! And do not compare yourself too much with anyone else! That can slow down your progress tremendously.
Step-by-Step Blueprint For Better Form
Beginners, as well as professionals who haven’t played for a while, often have the same problem: their form is all over the place.
There are many reasons for this—among them coaching deficiencies, time constraints and social pressure—but it’s one of the easiest problems to fix. A coach who can correct your shooting form is the best way to get better.
All they need is a clipboard and you can work on your form in seconds; with that kind of access to a coach, there’s no excuse not to get better at shooting. In fact, if you’re just starting out, a coach will help more than anything else.
You won’t be able to find a better source of information about how to shoot correctly than someone who knows what they’re talking about. But once you’ve had some practice and want to make sure your form is consistent (because it’s hard to consistently execute poor technique), follow these steps:
1) Line up far away from the basket – This allows you enough space between yourself and where you’re aiming so that you can isolate only yourself.
2) Move slowly – As soon as people start getting tired or sloppy with their form, things go downhill quickly.
Appreciate you stopping by for some basketball tips. Before you leave, I have a special offer for you if you are looking for a basketball shooting program.
Join 6ixShooter Academy, our basketball training training program, you’ll learn how to instantly fix your form, accuracy, and range.” Click HERE to learn more.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE