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Kobe Bryant’s Mamba Shooting Mentality
Ever since Kobe Bryant began playing basketball as a child, he has been known to have the mamba mentality in everything he does. From the moment his eyes opened, he knew exactly what he wanted out of life, and he would stop at nothing to get it. This mentality led him to become one of the greatest basketball players of all time and propelled his team, the Los Angeles Lakers, to five NBA championships. No matter what obstacles got in his way, Kobe refused to give up on himself and his dreams.
What Is The Mamba Mentality?
Sometimes translated as the relentless mentality, Kobe Bryant’s mamba is a state of mind that centers on determination and action, a mindset that demands you take what you set out for and not let anything get in your way. It is perhaps best illustrated by Kobe’s famous 81-point game against Toronto when he played as a man possessed throughout most of his shots. He didn’t stop until he made each shot or was unable to because he had been fouled out for taking too many shots. The mamba mentality doesn’t just apply to on-court action either; it can be used off the court as well to push through obstacles at home, work, or school while achieving goals.
A Way To Train The Brain For Greater Success
The Kobe Bryant shooting mentality is one of love and respect. He wants to be great, so he goes out and finds people who have already achieved greatness, who have already done what he is trying to do and he studies them. What they did, how they worked, and most importantly why they did it that way. He watched tapes of Michael Jordan over and over again until you can see his game starting to change dramatically. This passion for self-improvement carried Kobe through his many years in basketball giving him a constant drive for improvement. You’ll find after you surround yourself with successful people, you’ll start adopting their characteristics into your own life too.
How to Overcome Failure With the Mamba Mentality
One of Kobe’s best qualities is his mentality. If you watch any of his interviews, you can see that he doesn’t allow himself to get emotional over a loss. Instead, he asks why it happened and what he could have done differently. We should follow his example and ask ourselves why we failed instead of giving up. Kobe does not let a failure stop him from trying again – failure only motivates him to make changes and keep trying until he succeeds. We should keep that in mind when things don’t go our way!
What Keeps The Great Ones Great
You can start to see the same pattern in anyone who achieves great success: They develop a strength that propels them forward, and they stick with it until the end. Look at Kobe Bryant, for example. He wasn’t blessed with any eye-popping physical traits, but he worked relentlessly on his shooting and was the best pure shooter of his generation. His work ethic made him stronger than his peers and propelled him to great heights. When a player like Kevin Durant or Lebron James sees that Kobe is still continuing to put in the time to get better as he heads into retirement, they know that if they ever want to reach that level of greatness, they have no choice but to do the same thing—they simply have no other choice.
How to Have Positive Self-Talk
This tip from Kobe is a great one. Everyone gets negative thoughts in their head, but what separates great athletes from everyone else is that they can follow those negative thoughts up with positive outcomes and actions. So next time you have a thought about yourself, be it I’ll never get better or I’m not as fast as that guy, instead of just going with your gut, stop and think of two positive outcomes to that thought—in other words, think of ways to prove yourself wrong. If you keep at it and really think about it for every negative thought (not just every once in a while), your mind will open up to new possibilities and new lines of thinking.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE