In order to improve your shooting accuracy in game, you must first understand how you can improve it outside of the game. There are certain things you can do to perfect your shot before game day so that come the time to shoot in game, you don’t have to worry about hitting the net or backboard anymore because it will already be second nature to you.
The best part? We got you! Below you have the 7 steps that can be applied to all sports, not just basketball starting today.
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Improve Your Shooting Accuracy
Appreciate you stopping by for some basketball tips. We have a special offer with 6ixShooter Academy, the top basketball training training program, you’ll learn how to instantly fix your form, accuracy, and range.”
Step 1: Hand Position

The main shooting hand should be underneath the basketball for a complete lift on the basketball. The support hand is usually used for balance, but it can also shoot occasionally. Whatever your style of shooting, the first step to improving in game shooting accuracy is learning proper form.
When practicing outside or on a court without backboards, it’s important to get into a good foundation before taking a shot. This means always starting with your feet shoulder-width apart and facing the rim.
Then lift up your dominant hand in front of you as if preparing to take a shot before bringing it directly underneath the ball with your elbow locked at 90 degrees and both eyes open on the target. Aiming directly at the center or slightly above it will ensure that all shots are made vertically.
Step 2: Off-hand Position

As you can see in the picture, the off hand is placed on the same side as the main hand. Some shooters prefer to put their off hand behind the trigger with both hands facing forward. This way, you are able to be very stable in shooting without losing any mobility.
Make sure that your off-hand is on a different axis than your gun and should be placed anywhere from below the bottom of your bicep to just above your wrist depending on what position it’s in and what works best for you.
The top of your hand should remain open with one thumb forward and one thumb backward so that you can have maximum stability during shooting sessions.
Step 3: Aiming Techniques

Similar to the point above, shooters should aim at the rim and never at the backboard. Focusing on the rim is a habit that should be ingrained into players when practicing shooting drills and going through shooting routines before games.
When they are in-game and their eyes are drawn to the backboard, oftentimes they will think about jumping up instead of sliding their feet towards the rim and keeping it simple.
The worst thing for a player to do during an actual game is attempt to show off by adding unnecessary movements to his or her shot, like leaping up for a slam dunk.
Taking shots under control—meaning from your feet and with your eyes on the rim—will be more consistent than taking erratic shots from anywhere on the court.
Step 4: Shooting Basics
The basics of shooting are simple, but they’re important. For an accurate and effective shot, practice shooting the ball in one swift motion without stopping.
This allows you to develop your muscle memory, so that you don’t have to think about your technique while playing a game. Aiming is also important; practice keeping your head up, focusing on the basket instead of the floor and remembering to follow through with each shot you take.
When it comes to shooting during games, though, there are some additional considerations: Pace: Shooting during games should be done quickly and efficiently—you need to shoot as soon as possible when open because if you miss, it can be hard to get another shot off.
It’s better not to even attempt a shot if it means wasting time or losing momentum.
Step 5: Visualize The Swish
When you’re off the court, spend time visualizing yourself making consistent shots over tall defenders. It’s been said that if you visualize something enough, your brain will believe it has happened and you’ll be more likely to succeed.

So when you take your shot in a game, know that swish is already halfway down. You just have to finish it off. I try to do as much of my pre-game visualization as possible before I step on the court.
I like imagining myself scoring a lot of points or setting up my teammates for great looks. Once I’m out there on the court, though, it’s time to let go of all those thoughts and focus on executing each play as best I can.
If things aren’t going well, I might think about a fun moment from practice earlier that day—anything but what was happening at that moment! My advice: Visualize success during practice but keep your head in the game during games.
Step 6: Control Your Breathing
I understand how to perform moves correctly, but can’t seem to stop grunting and slacking on my breathing.
What should I do?
Make sure you’re controlling your breathing throughout any move you make in a game. We don’t want to waste breathe with unnecessary grunting while performing moves. This is why we practice our shooting drills before games or even during warm ups.
The more we practice these drills, the more natural it becomes for us to breathe properly when executing our shots. If you find yourself making mistakes because of improper breathing, be sure to take some time during practices or shoot arounds at home to focus on proper breathing techniques.
Step 7: Fastest Way To Get Better At Shooting In Game
Getting better at shooting during games will make a huge difference in your team’s performance. Be it mid-season or playoffs, knowing how to shoot under pressure is critical for success.
The fastest way to get better at shooting in game is to get an online shooting coach to help you achieve your goals. Most athletes go through their entire short high school careers never training with a skills coach outside of school.
Now, you have a way to get the edge on everyone else.
Appreciate you stopping by for some basketball tips. Before you leave, I have a special offer for you if you are looking for a basketball shooting program.
Join 6ixShooter Academy, our basketball training training program, you’ll learn how to instantly fix your form, accuracy, and range.” Click HERE to learn more.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE