Unleash your inner Michael Jordan and take your game to the next level with these drills to train your jump-shot at home. If you’re serious about excelling in basketball, it’s important to get plenty of practice shooting the ball around at home so you can perfect your shot, increase your range, and learn how to shoot the ball more accurately. These basketball drills will help you develop a solid shooting form and improve your skills in all areas of the court so you can dominate in any situation from three-point shots to free throws.
Table of Contents
Warm Up
Make sure your jump shot is in tip-top shape by performing basketball drills at home, like dribbling through a hoop of cones and shooting at various targets. Warm up with dynamic stretches, light calisthenics, and 3-point shooting from different spots on court—this will ensure that you’re physically prepared for shootaround, too.
Finally, when it comes time to train your jump shot at home, consider using a weighted ball or resistance bands (like these ones from SKLZ) for added difficulty. The best basketball players are always working on their game even at home they shoot!
Basketball Shooting Stance
Having a solid base is the key to becoming a good shooter. Whether it’s on the court or in the backyard, your jump shot starts with your stance and balance. Once you have that, you can hone your shooting form from there. Check out these 6 effective jump-shot drills to help you train and perfect that form! To start off, set up just like you would if you were taking a free throw – toes facing straight ahead, knees bent slightly (but not too much), hands close to body – except lower yourself down into a squatting position instead of bending over completely. The reason for doing so is because it will be easier for you to keep your legs together and knees pointed down while jumping as opposed to having them open wide like when doing an actual free throw. Also, as far as ball handling goes – practice makes perfect!
A good jump-shot is not something that is taught, it comes with time and training. In order to be consistent with your shot you have to train it over and over again until it become muscle memory. The only way to do that without breaking the bank is to start dribbling a basketball every day.
Then learn how to shoot correctly from different spots on the court such as the top of the key, the wing or even behind the 3-point line! You should also practice shooting off-the-dribble from all those different spots. Being able to create your own shot will really help you out when playing against a defender later on in your career.
Take it off the Wall
Being resourceful at home is important, utilizing the wall in the back yard can help! Home is where the heart is and luckily, many entrepreneurs have turned their backyards into full-blown basketball courts. Some pro hoops players even have a portable court in their home that they keep in storage when they are on the road.
Good thing, too, because if you’re going to practice your jump shot daily, you need a nice large space. If you don’t live next door to a gym or local court, set aside an hour a day and practice some of these key drills: 1) Start by dribbling with both hands at high speeds up and down the court for about 20 minutes.
Face Up, Backboard, Shot Fake
In basketball, there are four shooting principles that you should follow no matter what type of shot you’re taking. These principles apply whether you’re shooting at a rim or off the backboard in your driveway. Face Up : When facing the basket, most players naturally turn to the side, which makes them more likely to miss. Turning sideways is an inefficient form of shooting and greatly reduces your chances for success.
Always turn your body so it is face up towards the hoop when practicing shots off the court. Backboard : Shooting with a backboard behind you also works because you have some resistance on every shot and can practice against something other than air, but remember: it isn’t just as good as having a real rim!
The next time you head out to shoot hoops, bring a few basketball drills with you. There are hundreds of different drills that you can use as a warm up or as part of your training routine. When you’re practicing these drills more than once! Get those repetitions in for results! repeat them over and over again until they’re imprinted in your muscle memory.
Just like weightlifting, some people might be able to lift more weight than others but there’s no reason why everyone can’t improve their shooting skills by practicing. Basketball is fun but it’s also a sport where practice makes perfect. Don’t just train hard; train smart!
Practice Makes Perfect
Home practice is an excellent way to keep your skills honed, but it can also be a great way to fall into bad habits. Set up a regular workout schedule and routine to follow so you can always improve. For example, schedule two days per week when you do nothing but jump shot repetitions and another day where you play one-on-one against a friend or work with a coach on more advanced techniques.
Finally, don’t forget to celebrate your successes! Reward yourself with something special after each session and take plenty of time off between workouts so that you have time to rest and fully recover from exhaustion or injuries.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE