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If you want to shoot like Steph Curry, you’re in luck.
“In this post, we’re going to take a look at how to shoot like Steph Curry’s in depth. Now, this isn’t necessarily what you must do to shoot like Steph Curry, but our goal is to show you exactly what one of the best shooters in the world does when he shoots. And most importantly, we’ll discuss how you can develop shooting mechanics that can make you just as consistent, accurate, and deadly on the court. So keep reading to learn more.”
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Join 6ixShooter Academy, our basketball training training program, you’ll learn how to instantly fix your form, accuracy, and range.” Click this link to learn more here.
In the NBA, there are a few players who have a truly unique shooting form. One of those players is Stephen Curry. Curry’s shooting form is so unique that it has been studied by many coaches and basketball players. In this article, we will take a look at Curry’s shooting form and how you can emulate it to improve your own shooting.
When you watch Curry shoot, the first thing you will notice is his high release point. This is what allows him to get his shot off over defenders. Another thing you will notice is that Curry doesn’t use much arm motion. He relies mostly on his legs and torso to generate power for his shot. This allows him to shoot with great accuracy even when he is closely guarded.
To shoot like Steph Curry, you need to start by getting into a good shooting stance. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your knees should be slightly bent. You should then extend your shooting arm straight up and out in front of you. Next, you need to cock your wrist back and snap it forward as you release the ball. Finally, you need to keep your arm and hand in the same position until the ball reaches the hoop.
In the NBA, Stephen Curry is known as one of the best shooters in the game. His shooting style is unique and makes him almost impossible to guard. If you want to be able to shoot like Stephen Curry, here are 5 easy steps to follow:
1. Use your body to create space
There’s no question that Stephen Curry is one of the best shooters in the NBA—if not the best. His shooting percentage is off the charts, and he seems to make shots from impossible angles. So how does he do it?
Curry has a unique shooting technique that allows him to get his shot off quickly and accurately. He starts by positioning his body so that he has plenty of space to shoot. This may mean stepping out beyond the 3-point line, or it may mean getting into a wide stance with his feet spread far apart.
Once he’s in position, Curry takes a quick step forward and releases the ball. His shooting motion is very smooth, and he follows through with his arm fully extended. This combination of quick steps and a smooth shooting motion allows Curry to get his shot off quickly, even against defenders who are trying to block him.
So if you want to shoot like Stephen Curry, start by creating space for yourself. Get into a good shooting position, take a quick step forward, and release the ball smoothly. Follow through with your arm fully extended, and you’ll be sinking shots like Curry in no time.
When you’re shooting, you want to use your body to create as much space between you and the defender as possible. This will give you more time to get your shot off and make it more difficult for the defender to block.
2. Keep your shooting hand close to your face
To shoot like Stephen Curry, you need to keep your shooting hand close to your face. This will help you to control the ball and release it accurately. When you’re ready to shoot, extend your arm and snap your wrist to send the ball flying through the hoop.
When you’re shooting, you want to keep your shooting hand close to your face. This will help you control the ball and make it easier to shoot.
3. Use your legs to generate power
There’s no question that Stephen Curry is one of the most lethal shooters in the NBA today. His ability to shoot off the dribble from anywhere on the court is uncanny, and has made him one of the most feared players in the league. So how does he do it?
Well, a big part of it is his legs. Curry uses his quickness and agility to get himself into position to shoot, and then he uses his powerful legs to generate the power necessary to get the ball up and over the defender. This combination of speed and power is what makes him so difficult to guard.
So if you want to shoot like Stephen Curry, you need to start by using your legs to generate power. Get yourself into a good shooting position, and then use your legs to push off the ground and get the ball up and over the defender. It may take a little bit of practice, but if you can master this technique, you’ll be shooting like Stephen Curry in no time.
When you’re shooting, you want to use your legs to generate as much power as possible. This will help you shoot the ball farther and with more accuracy.
4. Follow through with your shooting hand
When you shoot the ball, you want to use your shooting hand to follow through. This will help you to shoot the ball with more power and accuracy. When you follow through, you should keep your hand in the same position as when you released the ball. You should also keep your arm straight.
When you’re shooting, you want to make sure to follow through with your shooting hand. This will help you keep your shooting arm in the correct position and increase your accuracy.
5. Focus on the rim
There’s no question that Stephen Curry is one of the best shooters in the NBA today. His ability to shoot from long range and score in bunches has made him one of the most feared players in the league. If you want to be able to shoot like Stephen Curry, here are a few tips to help you get started.
First and foremost, you need to have a good shooting form. Curry has a very smooth and consistent shooting motion, and you should try to emulate that as much as possible. Make sure to keep your elbow in and your hand on the ball until you release it. Also, be sure to follow through with your shooting hand after you release the ball.
Another important aspect of Curry’s shooting is his ability to get good elevation on his shots. He often shoots over defenders who are taller than him, and he does this by getting good elevation on his shots. To achieve this, you need to practice jumping and shooting in rhythm. Jumping and shooting in rhythm will help you get good elevation on your shots.
Lastly, you need to be able to shoot off the dribble. Curry is arguably the best shooter in the NBA when it comes to shooting off the dribble.
6. Correct Practice makes perfect
Stephen Curry is one of the best shooters in the NBA today because of his work ethic and there’s also no question that a lot of his shooting prowess comes from practicing hard and getting lots of reps in. If you want to shoot like Stephen Curry, you need to practice like Stephen Curry.
Start by finding a spot where you can shoot uncontested shots. This could be in your backyard, at a park, or even in your driveway. Make sure you have plenty of space to take your shots without having to worry about anyone else getting in the way.
Once you’ve found your shooting spot, start by taking some basic shots. Just line up your shot and take it like you would in a game. Once you’ve got those down, start adding in some of the more difficult shots that Curry is known for. These include shots off the dribble and shots with a defender in your face.
The key to shooting like Stephen Curry is to practice hard and get lots of reps in. If you can do that, you’ll be well on your way to becoming one of the best shooters in the NBA.
Thanks for reading, hope you are inspired to shoot like Step Curry. If you want a shortcut, you can always join my 5 step video training on improving your shot! Inside, you’ll learn how to instantly fix your form, accuracy, and range. You can click this link to learn more here.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE