To be successful, you have to practice your craft every day. Whether you’re a pro athlete or an entrepreneur, it’s critical to master your skills and stay at the top of your game. If you’re having trouble improving in your sport or business, these 30 drills might help. These shooting drills will turn you into a pro in only 30 days! (You may want to read this in your best announcer voice.)
Table of Contents
Shoot Like a Pro In 30 Days
Training Plan Overview
Shooting the basketball from a distance is incredibly difficult and many players never learn to shoot like pros. However, you can make huge strides in your shot after only 30 days of training. To do so, it’s important to perform drills that work on every fundamental aspect of shooting the basketball, such as proper footwork, grip strength and coordination. We’ve developed an effective jump-shot training plan that will have you shooting like a pro in no time! It incorporates the best drills to help you get better at shooting the basketball from all over the court. You can sign up for our free newsletter below which will explain everything we go over in detail during the 30 day workout routine
Developing New Habits
We’ll develop new habits, by practicing new drills and training every day. If you want to get better at shooting a basketball, and break down old shooting habits in order to develop new ones that are more effective, your program has to have structure. Every day you do something specific and routine to put yourself in front of that goal. That’s what we do for our clients: We follow specific warmups to breakdown old shooting Habits for new ones. After 30 days, you’ll shoot like you never thought possible!
Pullups and Dribbling
Drills like dribbling to a pullup or dribbling to a shot will do two things: reinforce your ability to dribble and work on your shot at the same time. Here’s how it works: Start by finding the nearest basketball hoop, then set up some cones in a semi-circle around the hoop. Select one cone, stand a step away from it, dribble in place, take one step towards your cone and jump shoot (don’t forget to follow through). Now you’re at the next cone; repeat. Remember, every rep should include a dribble before you shoot! Continue until you’ve made all four shots without missing or stepping on any cones.
Shooting on the Move
Many basketball players limit their ability to score simply because they’re too stationary. The best offensive players are those who can move effectively off ball to create scoring opportunities for themselves or a teammate. Shooting on the move forces you to hone your balance, coordination, and speed, so that’s where we’ll start: performing shooting drills while moving around will improve your agility, explosive power and footwork. You can’t shoot unless you’re on-balance and in control of your body. It might sound silly but small muscle contractions during movement can have a significant impact on your total shot distance, particularly if you play on a team with limited practice time.
Shooting in Pairs
There are a lot of shooting drills that can help us improve our basketball shooting. One drill we’ll be covering today is the Shooting in Pairs drill. This drill pairs you with another player, or even multiple players if you wish, and the goal is for both players to make as many shots as possible within the span of 30 seconds each. The catch here is that there can only be one basketball on the court, so while one player shoots, the other has to rebound.
Shooting from Rest
As with any skill, the only way to get good at shooting is to practice it. But you’re already doing that, right? No? Good, because now we want to get repetitions up and work on shooting the same jump shot. Keep at least 3 or 4 shooting stations set up around the court and get through them all twice during each workout, making sure to shoot 20-25 shots in both directions (left and right). You’ll have 5 stations total: one where you can shoot with your feet together; one where you can shoot while they’re shoulder-width apart; and one each for when your feet are staggered left and right by about 12 inches.
Recovery Workouts – Seated Medicine Ball Throws
Shooting goes beyond working on a Jump-Shot but also having a strong core to shoot. Strong abs are essential for players who need to dive and reach high shots, while strong back muscles help you hold your form during long jump-shots. Using a medicine ball is a great way to engage your core while working on shooting drills in practice or at home. Try seated medicine ball throws: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a med ball between your feet (feet should be slightly turned out). Lift one leg up so it’s parallel to floor and squeeze glutes together.
Recovery Workouts – Speed Situps With Bands Attached
While situps without resistance can be effective, they should always be done after you have done resistance training to ensure you are injury resistant. Adding bands or a partner to situps will add significant weight for your abs and is highly recommended. Doing so will ensure that your core is much stronger than it was before.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE