How to Fix Your Shooting Elbow

How to Fix Your Shooting Elbow

How to Fix Your Shooting Elbow

You’ve been practicing shooting every day, and you can feel your game getting better and better. But something doesn’t feel right—you aren’t hitting your shots as consistently as you know you should be, and your elbow hurts every time you shoot from farther than ten feet away. That’s because your shooting elbow has been improperly trained; this tutorial on how to fix your shooting elbow will help you get back to making jumpers again with confidence!

Common Causes of Shooting Elbows

Shooting the ball in a rushed motion often results in bad technique. If you shoot with a rushed motion, your elbow will bend and lift as you move toward the basket. And if your shot is rushed, your elbow will not be able to rotate fully when shooting, so the ball will not travel far enough or high enough. Shooting practice can help correct shooting form. Using a wall or stationary hoop for form shooting is a great way to improve your technique. Any issues that arise from poor form should be corrected by practicing good form. This can include an issue like shooting too fast, resulting in your elbow bending up or out of position. When you are doing form shooting with proper technique, then it’s time to add speed and movement into your shots.

Common Treatment Options

While every case of shooting elbow is different, there are a few common treatments that can help take away some of your pain. If you’re dealing with inflammation in your arm, you should apply ice and compression, as well as do gentle stretching exercises. This will decrease swelling and allow you to get back on track with your shooting practice. It’s also important not to throw or twist your shooting arm in an irregular movement.

Muscles Involved in Shooting Form

The muscles involved in shooting form includes your shoulders, back and core muscles to ensure your elbow is not being overused. To achieve a strong shooting form, strengthen your shoulders, back and core muscles by incorporating more pull-ups and abdominal exercises into your fitness routine. Incorporate a variety of upper-body exercises to get yourself stronger without completely overwhelming you with too much at once.

The Fix

Form shooting and practicing the form with your elbow tucked close to your body will enable you to practice shooting with more arc on the ball, helping you get a better shot off. Practice making shots in front of your body rather than on the side so that you can remember and execute proper form. This is especially important if you’re a beginner player. The only way to improve at basketball is through hard work, time spent practicing and determination. Don’t just give up because it seems like it takes too long to see results!

Additional Resources

When it comes to your shooting form, one of the fastest ways to improve is to hire an online basketball trainer to analyze your form and give you personalized tips. Online trainers can be found at a number of sites like Basketball Trainer and Bball Breakdown that offer very affordable services. Many professional players even use these resources when they’re on a long road trip. If you don’t have access to a coach, then finding videos online will be your best bet for learning how to fix your form and perfect your shot. There are many video channels available on YouTube such as SkillDawg that feature in-depth tutorials for all levels of play.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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