Become Your Coach's Top Shooter

How to Become Your Coach’s Top Shooter

How to Become Your Coach’s Top Shooter

As the best shooter on your team, it’s important to know the best ways to practice your shooting, so you can perform well in game situations. Here are four tips for becoming your coach’s top shooter that are sure to improve your performance on the court and make you one of the team’s most valuable players!

Practice makes perfect

Getting in the gym and putting up shots is extremely important for success. This can be done every day, ideally before you have your first morning cup of coffee. Doing so will allow you to develop muscle memory and shot consistency on a consistent basis, allowing for good shooting accuracy. Make sure that the work you put in during these early hours of the day is quality shooting; don’t just do it for the sake of doing it.

The right form

Sometimes, shooting how you are comfortable is the best way to be a sniper. If you feel more accurate shooting with one hand than two, that’s your prerogative. However, if your coach has asked you to shoot using a certain form in order to increase accuracy (such as an overhand release) it’s important to remember that they know what they are talking about and should be respected accordingly.

Visualize yourself making shots

Envision yourself making shots. The more you visualize success, the more likely you are to succeed. A big part of what makes a good shot is confidence—be sure to take time to think about making shots, it’ll keep you ready for the moment.

Right mindset

Be a leader and an addition to your coach on the basketball court. Be confident in your abilities and understand that you are an important member of the team. Do not shy away from responsibility and be willing to take control of the game if necessary, but always follow your coaches’ instruction. Remember: You are there to be your coaches top shooter, not their own personal scorer.

Form shooting drills

Shooting a basketball always starts with the same thing: warming up your shooting form before the game starts so you’re ready to always shoot. This is what it takes to become a great shooter, so start practicing now and make sure you never get in the game without doing your shooting drill first.

Improve speed and accuracy

If you practice the same motion over and over again, you can speed up your performance to shoot more accurately. This is why hitting the gym regularly is a crucial part of becoming your coach’s top shooter. It’s in the off-season when you can improve your speed and shooting accuracy by refining your form through countless shots. This will allow you to hit better from long range during the season.

Hand-eye coordination drills

Performing hand-eye coordination drills and shooting a basketball at close range can help your shooting accuracy. Working on hand-eye coordination will also teach you how to react quickly in a game situation. A great drill for hand-eye coordination is performing one-hand dribbles while maintaining eye contact with a spot on a wall. Shoot 25–50 shots of each hand in rapid succession, keeping your eyes focused on your spot without missing a shot.

Pressure situations drills

As long as training drills are as game-like as possible, they can also help you master pressure situations that you’ll come across in real games. If your team has a drill with a time constraint or countdown clock, it can replicate that feeling of needing to get something done within a certain amount of time. Another way of building pressure drills into your practice routine is through reactive training—doing specific drills where you react off opponents, an imaginary shot clock or a buzzer.

Go out of your comfort zone

Coaches want to see you lead, even if that means leading outside your comfort zone. If you don’t reach out to others and communicate how you can improve their game, you’ll never get to become a team leader. The best players are often also great leaders, but those players who only care about themselves will rarely be promoted to leadership positions. To become your coach’s top shooter, try going out of your comfort zone. Take on extra responsibility during practices and games by asking questions when they arise and communicating with teammates on ways they can play better as a group.

You can now train online!

Getting an online basketball trainer is the fastest way to becoming a better shooter. This can be your virtual personal coach, who you can train with daily from home, or even at work, as long as you have access to a computer and an internet connection. Basketball shooting is all about mechanics, repetition and dedication. These are the things that online trainers do best!

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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