Steph Curry may be one of the greatest shooters of all time, but he didn’t just become that way overnight. What most people don’t know is that he spent years working on his shot after practice and before games when nobody was watching. Curry started off by shooting 100 threes at night before going to bed, and now has worked his way up to 1,000 3 point shots per day – an insane number that more than 70% of NBA players can’t even shoot! Players always ask “How to Become A Consistent 3 Point Shooter” The answer can be found below.
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Step 1: Understand Your Current Shooting Form
The first step in becoming a better shooter is understanding what your current form looks like. Have you ever watched Steph Curry, Ray Allen or Kevin Durant shoot? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. There are lots of similarities and all of these players were considered great shooters, but their leg and foot positioning is very different. To become a good shooter, you must understand that proper shooting form is based on your specific body type. This means that there is no single correct way to shoot; only what works best for your particular body type and strength.

Are you a one-motion shooter or two-motion? One motion shooters are also known as set shooters. These players typically have a consistent shooting form that they rely on each time they shoot. This means that their shooting form is more static and doesn’t change much with each shot. Two-motion shooters are also known as jump shooters. but they have all become a Consistent 3 Point Shooter. These players tend to have a more fluid shooting form and will change it based on where they are standing, how long they have had to prepare for their shot, etc. It’s important to understand which type of shooter you are so that you can work on building consistency into your current form.
Step 2: Develop your leg muscles
When it comes to shooting, your arms are only part of the equation. In fact, you can be a strong three-point shooter even if your arms are average strength. If you want to shoot like Steph Curry and make buckets from all over, strength in your legs and core is crucial. Getting these areas strong will also help prevent injury when shooting. Here are some exercises that will help you gain strength.

Calf Raises
Step up onto a bench or chair with both feet and perform 10 single-leg calf raises. This exercise focuses on your quads as well as your calves so do them until failure (which should take about 30 seconds). Repeat twice per leg for best results.
Lie down on an exercise mat or soft surface and lift both legs about six inches off of the ground for 30 seconds per leg. The key here is to hold yourself up with only your lower body—no cheating!
Move onto toe touches where you raise one leg behind you while reaching out with the opposite arm towards that foot. This forces balance which works out both legs while also working out shoulder muscles (the arm movement) which are important for making baskets!
Step 3: Daily 3 Point Practice Makes Best

If you want to become a better 3 point shooter, then you’re going to have to practice. Steph Curry didn’t become Steph Curry by accident. The best way for someone trying to improve their 3 point shooting is to set up and complete a daily routine of 3 point practice shots. The key is not just aiming for any given shot, but that it needs to be as close as possible (even in form) like what you will see in gameplay.
Get as many shots up every single day. So if it takes 150 shots each time you shoot, then commit yourself accordingly and make those your 150 attempts on each given day. Most top shooters train for many hours and get thousands of shots up daily.
The best way to make improvements is to track your progress and take notes. Keep a log of your shots, your missed, where you missed from, your goals, etc. If you don’t track your progress then you will have no idea if what you are doing is working or not.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE