How Klay Thompson Scored Thirty One Points in a Short Amount of Time

How Klay Thompson Scored Thirty One Points in a Short Amount of Time

What if I told you that one of the best scorers in the NBA had broken his own record by scoring 31 points in just thirteen minutes? Not only that, but he also shot an insane 74% from the field and 92% from three-point range to do it. He did this not on April Fool’s Day, but on February 28th of this year, in an actual game against the Minnesota Timberwolves—the same team that originally drafted him in 2011 before trading him to Golden State.

How to Play Basketball like Klay Thompson

Focus on the fundamentals whenever your practice. Whenever shooting the ball, make sure you’re looking through the hoop while waiting for the perfect moment to shoot. Do not let your eyes wander and make sure you have perfect control over where you’re shooting it. This will help you avoid injuries and get ready for games quickly. Remember, there are no shortcuts to being great at basketball—you have to practice hard every day!

Four Ways to Improve Your Jump Shot Right Now

Speed kills in basketball. And while you may be capable of dunking like Kevin Durant or hitting outside shots like Steph Curry, one ability all elite NBA players share is an inhuman ability to get their shot off quickly. Whether it’s due to speed, footwork, or just plain talent (see: Steph Curry), mastering your jump shot is something every player should aspire to do. The easiest way to improve your jump shot? Get up more shots from close range by doing lots and lots of quick-release shooting drills. Here are four ways you can improve your scoring speed right now

Learn From The Best With These Fantastic Tips From The Pros

How would you react if someone told you they could teach you how to score more than ten points per game in just two weeks? In other words, a 40-point average by shooting efficiently (at least 90% field goal accuracy), effectively (three-pointers) and quickly? How can that be possible? Well, there’s no magic trick here. The secret is not found only in sports science and specific drills to train shooting accuracy but also by reflecting on aspects such as your mindset, timing and approach to perform even better. Here are some great tips from pro shooters that will increase your scoring ability and make you play at an elite level like NBA superstar Klay Thompson!

Practice These Drills To Perfect Your Jump Shot

Klay Thompson uses many drills to perfect his jump shot. But if you are serious about improving your shooting accuracy and scoring speed, these three shooting drills can get you on track: The first drill is a workout called Shooting 100, which consists of 100 shots from various distances during a single practice session. This helps train your muscle memory to shoot at a consistent pace. Next is Rim Drills, which involve various types of shots directly off the rim before taking a second or two for set-up and then shooting again. The third drill is known as The Draymond Green Drill, and involves taking open mid-range shots from varying positions around different locations on the court.

Work On Becoming A Better Shooter

The best shooters are always working on their shot, and there are few who put as much time and effort into their craft as Thompson. To get to where he is today, he spent long hours improving his shooting accuracy and scoring speed, using unconventional training methods to develop his skills. He practices by taking shots while jumping off two feet; shooting while moving laterally; taking shots from different distances (while also wearing weights); jump-shooting off one foot; simulating game conditions—and more. All of these drills helped him become an incredibly effective scorer at game time, leading to thirty-one points scored in twelve minutes during last year’s NBA Finals.

Basketball Practice Routine For Beginners

If you’re looking for a simple and straightforward basketball practice routine for beginners, we’ve got you covered. This is a simple routine that we at Scout School use with our clients to help them develop basic basketball skills for playing pickup ball and for starting a team at their school. It’s easy to follow, so if you want to learn how to become a better basketball player from home using drills like these, keep reading.

Try These Shooting Drills At Home

Because shooting accuracy is key to hitting threes, it’s wise to get some reps up against the wall—or in the driveway. Try standing 10-15 feet away from the wall and practice shooting while keeping your feet shoulder width apart. As you make shots, try aiming slightly higher than normal and as your aim improves lower your shot. Eventually, you’ll be able to shoot from a variety of spots on the court at full speed and have enough confidence to attempt long-range bombs when called upon. To reach elite levels like Klay Thompson, practice is key; spend an hour or two each day doing drills and use YouTube for inspiration when you’re off the court. Remember: Shooting three pointers takes time and dedication!

Build Confidence With This Simple Tip To Shoot Like An All Star

There are many things to consider when it comes to shooting, but one that gets overlooked is confidence. It is important to build your own confidence before you can expect others to have confidence in you and your abilities. You should start by shooting close to the rim and getting comfortable with your shot. This way, if someone yells shooter!, you won’t be surprised by the unexpected call and will know how to respond. In addition, you’ll get used to shooting under pressure so that when the time comes for game-time pressure (like during the actual game), it will seem less daunting. All things considered, practice does make perfect!

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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