two secrets to unlimited shooting range

How Damian Lillard has two secrets to unlimited shooting range

How Damian Lillard has two secrets to unlimited shooting range

Damian Lillard has become one of the best shooting guards in the NBA over the last few years, and it’s not just his skills that make him great at scoring the ball; it’s also his form. If you want to shoot like Damian Lillard, follow these two form shooting tips to increase your range as well as your accuracy.

Shooting form

Great shooters always have the same form every time they shoot. No matter how crazy the pass or how many defenders are around them, great players know their shooting form so well that it’s impossible to disrupt. This is key to getting better at shooting because—like with any exercise—the more muscle memory you have associated with your form, the better you’ll be able to do under pressure and the more consistent your shots will be. Practice makes perfect!

The Art of Visualization

One of the main goals of visualization is building confidence and familiarity. Imitating specific shots in your head can improve your performance on the court by making you more comfortable with the action. This means that instead of just shooting for better results, you should be putting yourself into situations where you’re doing what you’re imagining – like sitting down at a table and doing some mock negotiation work or pretending you’re in front of an audience while speaking to familiarize yourself with those aspects of your job.

Practice in Unconventional Ways

If you’re looking for a little practice on your shooting technique, consider doing so in unconventional ways. What if there was no hoop? How would you simulate the experience of a game? Shooting baskets on the wall outside is an easy way to do just that. Visualize the hoop, imagine the rim and net, and shoot! Do it before bed at night or during your break from work. It will help get yourself in the zone and hopefully improve your shot speed and accuracy. Try it out!

Being Confident

Confidence comes from preparation, you need to continously practice everyday to gain more confidence. Confidence also depends on how you view yourself and treat your body. You need to realize that certain aspects of your body are perfect, even if others think otherwise. When you love what you see in the mirror and take care of your body you will be less critical of yourself and more capable of accepting compliments from others.

BEEF Stands For Breathe, Eyes, Elbow, Follow Through

BEEF is an acronym that you can keep in your head every time you train or practice on the basketball court. In fact, you should strive to have this in your head before each and every shot you take when playing. Breathe BEEF means be sure to breathe in and out with correct form before shooting a basketball. Your shots will be more consistent if you ensure proper breathing technique.

Respect and Be Aware Of Time And Space

Basketball players must stay spaced out on the court in order to allow for momentum when shooting. This means having a good court sense and awareness about other players’ movements, so that you can react accordingly when making shots. The saying you don’t want to be the first person to touch the ball at practice, nor the last is a perfect example of respecting your teammates while respecting time and space on the court.

Love Your Layups

Daman Lillard, Portland Trailblazers’ All-Star point guard, has the ability to step into an NBA three-point line and knock down open shots, but at 6’3 he can also create offense close to the rim. The key? He knows how to master scoring near the rim first so he can be confident stepping further out. So if you want to be a better shooter but don’t have time for a shot extension class, focus on layups and body control first!

The Importance Of Being A Student of the Game

It’s great to have an expansive list of moves in your bag, but it won’t mean anything if you don’t know how to use them effectively. That’s why it pays to study great shooters in order to increase your range, and that goes beyond basic form shooting as well. Spend time watching these players closely, learn from their footwork and their release point, and before long you too will be able to shoot with unlimited range.

How Damian Got His Range Up To 70 Feet (And Beyond!) – Pro Tip #1 – Shot Stretch Drill

When watching one of the best shooters in the league, you may be surprised to find that many of his jumpers come from well beyond the three-point line. To get to his unlimited range, Portland Trail Blazers star Damian Lillard does a shot stretch drill. This drill isn’t about improving your three-point shot (although it will), but about extending your close-range shot making ability and developing confidence at any distance.

How Damian Got His Range Up To 70 Feet (And Beyond!) – Pro Tip #2 – 100 Shot Challenge

The 100 Shot Challenge is a form shooting drill that will help you increase your rhythm and pace when attacking the rim. It’s fun, it’s easy to do (it doesn’t take too much time) and the results are pretty instant.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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