The Secret Shooting Workout to the Golden State Warriors’ success isn’t their collection of superstars, though it certainly helps. The Warriors win because they’re the best team in basketball when it comes to shooting and spacing, thanks to hours upon hours of work on the practice court putting up shots. Here are some of the best shooting drills that helped Golden State win their first NBA Championship in 40 years.
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Steph Curry’s Secret Shooting workout Drill
Stephen Curry has a secret shooting workout drill that requires immense reaction time in game, but it’s a great way to challenge his players and improve their fundamentals. It’s worth noting that Curry is a point guard, not a shooting guard. This means he might need to put in extra time with his own form and technique in order to remain accurate on three-pointers from more than 25 feet out. However, a little early work can go a long way for Curry’s shooting ability and is why many of these drills are still important for him personally. This one works on getting your shot off quickly while under pressure—both key components of his overall game.
Klay Thompson’s 3-Point Stance
The most fundamental part of Thompson’s shot is his stance. Whether he’s spotting up or running around screens, Thompson always has a strong and solid base, ready to shoot at all times. In one step-by-step video, Andy Liu breaks down exactly how to master Thompson’s two 3-point stances and other key fundamentals of shooting. This includes the footwork, spacing and release point. What Liu says to remember: You’re trying to do two things at once, he says in his video tutorial (above). You’re trying to move yourself into a good position while making sure that you are aligned properly with your feet.
Kevin Durant’s 3-Point Shooting Tips
Durant’s 3-point shooting prowess is well documented—especially in recent years, as he’s ascended to the throne of the NBA. But his individual skill doesn’t come from just one place. His entire game hinges on footwork and momentum, making him a more fundamentally sound player than most. Part of his footwork revolves around getting into shooting position immediately when he catches the ball. If you’ve ever watched Durant shoot, you’ll notice how quickly he steps into all his Jump-Shots, giving him momentum at the 3 point line. This also allows him to release quicker with less effort so that he can focus more on accuracy.
Draymond Green’s Go-To Move
Green is one of those players who can draw attention and find his shooters. Off-ball, Green sets up his teammates perfectly by drawing attention on cuts to the basket, then hitting shooters with open 3s. It’s not uncommon for Green to have four or five assists in a game and most of them will come from being able to generate open looks for his team-mates. Because he’s such a great passer and shooter, Green doesn’t even need Durant and Curry on court in order to fill it up; he’s perfectly capable of carrying Golden State at times.
Andre Iguodala’s Secret Basketball Jumpers
And, no, you don’t have to be as great a shooter as Andre Iguodala to take advantage of the type of NBA shooting drill. Even if you’re not a professional basketball player who’s in the NBA three point contest, you can still benefit from practicing your shot more often and getting more accurate on target. It’s much easier than you think to work on your shooting form—you don’t need a lot of room or any expensive equipment. Even the court itself is all that you really need to get started with these types of drills (and even that isn’t necessary). The key is being disciplined and knowing what shooting technique works best for your body type and mechanics.
Coach Kerr’s #1 Clutch Shooting Tip
I like to tell my guys to just keep shooting, Kerr said. It doesn’t matter if you’re missing or making them; just shoot. And it’s a mind-set, because when you get into that rhythm, good things happen for you. It may sound simple, but at its heart, basketball is about repetition.
Practice these shots and learn how to be prepared for them in a game and eventually they’ll start falling more regularly—even when you’re ice cold from beyond the arc. This is what happens to Curry when he’s on fire: The court becomes a playground where he’s confident enough to take his time, create space by drifting away from other players, pull up at will or even kick out to open teammates at will.
Klay Thompson’s Midnight Workouts
While most NBA players pack it in at night and take their off-season during the summer, Klay Thompson has made a habit of staying up late. At midnight. While his teammates are sound asleep. I’m kind of a night owl, Thompson said recently on the Full 48 podcast with Howard Beck and Caron Butler. I like to get extra shots up. But that’s not why he’s getting them up so late at night.
Kevin Durant’s Next Level Post Moves
Durant has defenders in practice contest every post move in order to be consistent in-game. He can do it all, and he knows it. The same is true for Curry, who makes contested shots with ease thanks to his handles, step-back dribble and quick release. To keep both stars sharp when games don’t matter, coaches have Durant and Curry going head-to-head on a regular basis to make sure they never get comfortable. By forcing their star players to constantly face one another and deal with defense, Golden State is able to hone its unrivaled offensive prowess better than any other team on earth. Teamwork really does make dream work after all.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE