A Guide to Becoming the Best Shooter on Your Team

A Guide to Becoming the Best Shooter on Your Team

If you’re serious about getting better at basketball, you need to take your shooting ability seriously as well. In order to become the best shooter on your team, you’ll need to practice, practice, and practice some more. There are also certain habits and drills that will help you improve your shooting mechanics and accuracy. This guide will explain everything you need to know in order to become the best shooter on your team—so read on!

A Guide to Becoming the Best Shooter on Your Team

The Importance of Being a Great Shooter

The ability to shoot well is a huge advantage for a basketball player. When you’re hot from the field, it’s easier to draw fouls and harder for the defense to stop you from scoring. Conversely, when you’re cold, it’s that much more difficult to even get off shots without looking incredibly awkward. A great shooter is both a blessing and a curse for his team; he can lead his team in scoring while simultaneously being almost impossible to stop—unless he’s out of rhythm. But how do you become the best shooter? To start with, one must simply practice enough to develop good habits and improve their shooting accuracy; thankfully, there are plenty of shooting drills that will help you train your muscles so they remember how to shoot properly.

Tips for Better Shooting

Shooting should be both a skill and a way of thinking. In other words, you can improve your form by making adjustments to your mechanics, but you can also improve your mechanics by learning how best to use the fundamentals of shooting: the footwork and body control necessary for creating the best possible shot each time. You should remember that your shots are only as good as your fundamentals. This is why practicing shooting drills in the gym will help you become more consistent in games because you’ll be able to fall back on muscle memory when you’re under pressure. Get used to keeping the basketball centered in the middle of your body at all times.

Practice Makes Perfect

It’s commonly assumed that the best shooters are born, not made. While some basketball players have a knack for sinking shots, it’s also true that you can improve your game by practicing (and improving) in the gym. Learning to shoot with maximum accuracy and repetition is just as important to success as having the ability to score in the first place. Every great shooter needs to put up reps in the gym if he wants success at a high level of play—the only real difference between the good and great shooters lies in the amount of practice each puts in. Here are some drills you can use to help increase your shooting range and overall ability

Improve Your Shooting Accuracy

If you’re trying to become the best shooter on your team, don’t just practice shooting from the three-point line. Rather, focus on honing your mid-range shot first and foremost; the basket is closer than you think and will help you master your shooting accuracy before stepping back. To improve, start by making 300 mid-range shots a day – if you take 200 long shots and 100 short ones. Working up to 1,000 total makes sense once you feel comfortable with that distance; the goal is to shoot a lot of them each day so that they become second nature. Once they do, try shooting while dribbling or passing around cones in an empty gym: You’ll have a better chance of staying accurate if you work against movement.

Shooting Drills

To hone your shooting skills, set up a series of baskets around different spots on a court and try various dribble-pull-up shooting drills. One drill is simple: one dribble and a pull up going left and right around a chair. This is called a string drill and it allows you to practice dribbling off either foot (also known as crossover or double-crossover), which can be a powerful tool when attempting to beat an opponent off of dribble penetration. You can also go in between two chairs, sometimes with or without passing through, or travel around two hoops before hitting a spot-up jump shot from five feet away—this will help you work on accuracy as well as extending your range by working more closely with teammates who are setting up plays for you.

Basketball Dribbling and Ball Handling Drills

Ball Pound and Change of Direction Drills: Both drills will help increase your shooting accuracy by teaching you how to get a clean shot off quicker. Ball pound consists of pounding back and forth, dribbling between two cones or other items, such as chairs. There are three ball pound variations that will improve your ball handling and shooting in different ways. The first is 2-ball ball pound, where you dribble back and forth with both hands for 30 seconds before changing directions for 30 seconds, then switching for another 30 seconds. This exercise teaches you how to handle a basketball when going both left and right and helps improve your ability to change direction quickly; it’s also a great drill for increasing agility with your feet.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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