3 Easy Shooting Drills to Improve Your Range

3 Easy Shooting Drills to Improve Your Range

3 Easy Shooting Drills creating the kind of range that NBA stars like Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson display takes years of hard work and practice, but there are still ways you can improve your shooting range quickly, easily, and most importantly, safely. By incorporating the following three shooting drills into your workout routine, you’ll see results in no time at all!

3 Easy Shooting Drills

The Stephen Curry Drill

Klay Thompson, Stephen Curry, and the Warriors have mastered a unique shooting style that starts off by making 3 shots in a row close to the basket and stepping-back. The logic behind starting close and moving away is two-fold: it allows you to be as accurate as possible while also working on your shot at different distances. This will help you hone your shot in an increasingly realistic setting and make sure you don’t develop a rhythm or habit that makes adjusting later on difficult.

The Klay Thompson Drill

In the game, Thompson takes one hard dribble and pick up the ball and shoots it as fast as possible. While running through the Klay Thompson Drill, a player must also use his free hand (the opposite hand) to swat at the ball during his shot. The extra movement makes shooting more difficult, forcing players to shoot while in motion and anticipate on-coming defenders. This drill works best with 3-point shots or shots from behind the arc.

My personal best drill

For the next shooting drill, Stephen Curry has one of the most well-known shooting drills. It’s called Chair Curl Shooting, and it’s one of my favorites for improving your range. Here’s how it works: Stand on the court, pick up a ball from the basket and shoot five shots from 15 feet away. After you make all five shots, sit down in a chair (Curry likes to use his), place another ball at your feet and shoot again until you make that shot. Then go back to shooting normally until you make 10 in a row from 15 feet out. If you can get 10 in a row with ease, move back another 5 feet or so and repeat that process until you get used to making shots further out.

Get an online coach!

Basketball coaches know more about the game than anyone, so if you want to increase your shooting range, why not hire a personal trainer? Getting an online coach is the best way to improve your overall skillset and can help you break through any barrier or plateau. Besides, these guys have experience in training professional basketball players; surely they can help out an average Joe just trying to hone his or her skills. It’s cheap, quick and worth every penny!

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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