Improve Shooting Accuracy

5 Tips to Improve Shooting Accuracy

5 Tips to Improve Shooting Accuracy

In basketball, it doesn’t matter if you can jump high or run fast if you can’t hit the basket when you shoot. Shooting accuracy separates the good players from the great ones, and shooting can be improved by following these five tips to improve shooting accuracy.

1) Have proper shooting form

From the free-throw line, the three-point line, and beyond, the best shooters in basketball have one thing in common: they keep the same form wherever they are on the court. Consistency is key for any great shooter, but consistency of form is a must for every shot you take. Keeping proper shooting form at all times helps you shoot better because it forces you to think about each shot as if it were your last. Take your time setting up for every shot. When you’re close enough for your players to hear it, remind them that shooting isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon.

2) Practice, practice, practice

This sounds a little obvious, but you have to practice your shot every day in order to improve it. We’re all busy, but you need time for skill development if you want your shooting percentage to reflect your effort. I tell this too all players, make sure you’re practicing your Jump-Shot everyday and are shooting at least 500 shots per week. The more shots you can put up over time, not only will it help with your shooting accuracy, but also with confidence in game situations. Staying confident on your shot is one of biggest indicators that it will go in.

3) Get rid of bad habits

It can be hard to spot your bad habits, but it’s not impossible. Keep track of your shooting sessions and how you perform in practice. And if you’re working with a shooting coach, ask them to point out any technique flaws that stand out. Once you identify your bad habits and create a game plan for getting rid of them, start practicing with new form shooting drills like one-dribble shooting. The goal of these types of drills is to focus on perfecting your technique by eliminating bad habits from practice so they don’t resurface during games and practice time; keep an eye on your shot accuracy as you shoot these drills to help pinpoint areas where you need improvement.

4) Know when to shoot and when not to shoot

Basketball players shoot more accurately when they’re shooting from form. Knowing how to shoot a basketball is all about having a good shot selection and being able to pull up from range consistently. If you don’t have these two things down, you can be a decent shooter but there will be times when you won’t want to take shots because of your bad shot selection. To improve your shooting accuracy try practicing specific drills that will help develop better shooting habits. Just like with any other skill, it’s not just about natural talent, it’s about practicing in order to build muscle memory and develop effective techniques.

5) Use visualization techniques

In basketball, form shooting is king. However, you can’t rely on form alone to make your shots; visualization techniques are vital for improving shooting accuracy. Picture yourself making shots before every step on the basketball court and before you shoot your next free throw in the game. Before you know it, you’ll be seeing the ball go through the hoop in real life!

Get an online trainer to get better at home!

The best thing you can do is get an online trainer for the best success. No matter what your shooting form looks like, an online trainer can work with you. They can get you a website, set it up for you and help you connect with clients. There are several options available but keep in mind not all of them are built the same or offer the same services. Choose wisely and have fun shooting! [link to online basketball trainer – skip]

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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