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5 Simple Ways to Dunk a Basketball and Jump Higher
By the time you reach the basketball court, you’re already late. One of your teammates has just fouled out, and it’s your turn to take over the game. The pressure is on as you step up to the free throw line to take that shot that could win the game or give your team another chance to try again. If you can make this shot, you’ll be a hero. But how do you rise high enough above everyone else to get the ball into the basket? Read on to find out five simple ways to jump higher and dunk a basketball with ease!
1) Start Training
Training, jumping technique, your vertical jump. There are five basic components to successful dunking. Most importantly, you need to start training your jumping technique . If you want to train your jumping the best way possible, one of the best things you can do is simply dunk as often as possible while doing so in a controlled manner. Don’t just throw the ball down with reckless abandon and think you’re training yourself to jump higher! If you want to increase your vertical leap, then there are some simple ways that will help get you started. First off, make sure that when you’re jumping that you have proper form . You don’t want to be swinging or flailing around wildly during your jump. This will only lead to injury or even worse – it won’t help at all! Next up, make sure that when you’re training for vertical jumps , that you use both lower body strength and upper body strength . It’s important not only for developing explosiveness but also for balance. A lot of people try to focus on their lower body strength without paying attention to their upper body strength which will ultimately result in them not being able to control themselves properly during their jumps.
2) Do Strength Exercises
Too many basketball players skip strength exercises for their legs, hips, glutes, abs, lower back, and upper body. After all, doing sprints is enough, right? Not so fast. Basketball is first and foremost an explosive sport in which your vertical jump or hop plays a huge role. It’s also important that you have strong legs because you’ll do more squatting when playing basketball than almost any other athlete. Get strong in those leg muscles now by following this step-by-step routine: 1) Squats; 2) Lunges; 3) Dead lifts; 4) Leg Presses; 5) Curls.
3) Practice Flexibility Exercises
Strength is certainly important when it comes to improving jumping ability, but flexibility is just as important. Of course, increasing your flexibility is quite a difficult task. Flexibility in the muscle tissue of athletes can be improved by stretching. When you stretch the muscles they will slowly become more flexible and be able to better respond to stress during exercises that require maximum jumping height or optimal jumping technique. Flexibility exercises such as simple knee to chest exercises should be performed by athletes who want to jump higher. If someone wants to increase their vertical jump they need strength training but flexibility training could also prove beneficial for a maximum jumping height improvement of 1 inch after about three months of twice weekly exercise sessions for about 20 minutes each session in addition to the basic strength training that the athlete will also be doing.
4) Do Plyometric Exercises
Using Plyometrics training to develop explosive strength and increase vertical jump is one of most effective ways to increase overall vertical, according to Strength Training Anatomy. Use Plyometrics to teach your muscles how to absorb impact and instantly store energy by jumping off boxes or into specific squat positions, like the tuck or the sissy squat, explains Gaddour. Plyometric exercises are also great for increasing your speed and power, which is necessary for game situations where there is limited time and space available. To complete a plyometric exercise, you must decelerate quickly with your lower body muscles so that you bounce off of them.
5) Add Basketball Specific Drills
With all of these new, basketball specific drills in your toolbox, it’s time to get on a basketball court. Before you can throw down slams in game situations, you need to practice dunking in controlled environments. One way to accomplish that is by running through your new dunks at controlled speeds using various jump training apparatuses and hoops. If you want to see progress, make sure you can perform your dunk with perfect form from all angles on multiple surfaces, especially when tired. Once you can do that without much effort, you’re ready for game day!
Get A Coach!
Even the best, most dedicated athletes could use an extra set of eyes. As long as you’re working hard, you’re probably trying to get better—but that doesn’t always mean you’re progressing in the right direction. A coach can give you feedback on your game that you can’t see on your own. They can help you identify holes in your shot or bad habits off the court that are holding back your ability to improve. Whether it’s constructive criticism or advice about fitness, hiring an online personal trainer is the best way to take full advantage of their expertise.

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