For basketball players who want to increase their shooting accuracy quickly, the best way to do so is to practice drills that will help them improve their hand-eye coordination and muscle memory.
These are skills that are vital to making consistent shots when you’re on the court, because you don’t want to be missing out on wide-open shots because your body simply isn’t prepared to make them anymore. Here are four basketball drills to increase shooting accuracy quickly.
Table of Contents
1) Drill 1: Balance and Hand Placement
For this drill, have your player stand at the three-point line and balance a coin on top of his index finger. As he shoots, encourage him to use his entire hand for balance, not just his finger.
The goal is to make sure he doesn’t lean too far forward or backward as he shoots and that he keeps proper hand placement.
Every time a shot misses, have him do 10 pushups (or something similar) before continuing. Challenge him to see how many shots in a row he can make with perfect balance and hand placement.
2) Drill 2: The Elevator
This drill is important because it teaches the shooter to establish the proper shooting form and technique consistently.
Begin by having a teammate pass the ball to you at about waist height. Take one dribble up to the top of the key with your legs bent and your feet turned slightly inward so that when you shoot, you should be facing straight ahead (this stance will open up after a few repetitions).
Hold your follow-through with both hands, which forces you to release the ball on line with your eyes. Use these instructions for the next five shots; if you make one, move on to another spot on the floor and repeat until you’ve worked your way around half court.
3) Drill 3: One Ball, One Goal
The basketball court is big, and you need the entire floor to practice your shooting drills. As a result, ball-handling isn’t a major focus of the one-ball drill. It’s important to limit ball handling because it’s difficult to move and shoot at the same time.
So, for now, shoot—don’t handle the ball. Focus on shooting the ball and making shots; don’t worry about missing any shots.
You should still make sure that each shot goes through the hoop so you don’t run out of balls! It also doesn’t matter if you hit some shots or not as long as you’re getting good form on your shot.
The key here is focusing on making your shots; don’t worry about anything else.
4) Drill 4: Changing Angles
When you’re consistent, you can adjust your shooting angles and the spots you shoot from in order to be effective. Changing up your jump shot is a great way to improve your consistency with shooting.
Changing your angle on the shot will ensure that you never get in a rut as an offensive player. When combined with other drills, changing up your angle before each shot will be sure to push yourself to never settle for one kind of shot.
The #1 Shooting Workout For Quick Results
The first thing you should do is find a shooting coach that can lay out an entire shooting program for you. Yes, there are great online resources that can provide tips on how to improve your shot and shooting drills as well.
But a personal coach will be able to really fine-tune your form, make sure that you’re doing all of these drills with good form, and get you working on shots outside of what is in popular resources (you know, some added variety for extra motivation).
And that’s important because it keeps your practice routine from getting stale.
That said… don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE