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3 Simple Steps to Shooting Consistent Wing Jumpshots
If you’re an avid basketball player, you’ve probably heard of the term wing jumpshot before. This shot typically comes from the wing and has a very high success rate if executed correctly, especially when the defender puts their hand in your face during your jump. If you’re having trouble shooting consistently, these tips will help with both your form and your confidence in your shot.
1) Focus on Jumping Off Two Feet
Jumping off two feet will help generate power to shoot from a deep three-point range. Having a consistent jump shot is very important in today’s NBA. Players like Klay Thompson and even Lebron James take jump shots from deep range, with consistency that makes it almost impossible to defend them. Most players will shoot jump shots off one foot and have a weaker leg, causing many problems for themselves when trying to get away from defenders or shooting quickly at different times during games (i.e. first half vs second half).
2) Follow Through
Follow-through is an essential part of consistent shooting. Most players flick their wrist and put their hands down, making it easy for them to miss shots. If you follow through correctly, the ball should leave your hand with a slight backspin, the kind that creates rotation in a basketball. It’s important not to make your wrist flick dominate; let your arm follow through and finish the shot. This will help you shoot more consistently, even from long range. Following through also means you should be looking at where you want the ball to go as it leaves your hand; don’t stare at your shooting hand and don’t look away from where you’re trying to shoot until after you make contact with the ball.
3) Keep your eyes up
It’s easy to lose track of the ball when you are on the wing, but if you want to consistently shoot good jumpshots, focus on staring at the rim and not paying attention to where the ball is. You should always be looking up while on the wing and letting your teammates handle boxing out defenders so that you can be free to fire away. When it comes time to take a jumpshot, keep your eyes focused on the rim. When your eyes are up, it allows you to see how open or covered you are for a jump shot based on how close or far away from your defender you are.
Additional shooting tips
When you shoot on the wing, you might be tempted to lean back and rip an open jumper. It’s a natural reaction to have when your defender is coming at you full speed, but that lean-back shot actually puts your lower body behind the arc of the ball and dramatically reduces your shooting accuracy. If you want to consistently hit wing jumpshots, be sure to slightly lean into your shot on the way up when shooting. It will improve your balance and ensure that you get a consistent arc on every shot. Don’t worry about getting called for traveling; it won’t happen as long as you make sure that both feet are firmly planted on the floor when going up for a jumpshot.
Get A Coach!
Many athletes find themselves stuck in a rut because they have been practicing in isolation without any structure. A wing jumpshot requires an extreme amount of athleticism and coordination to master, which is why many people find themselves at a loss when trying to improve upon their already present talent. The easiest way to shoot consistent wing jumpshots is to get an online trainer, who will show you exactly what you need to do on your own time! You won’t be left behind wondering what should be done next- your online trainer will give you a clear plan every step of the way. Improvement happens quicker when there’s someone motivating and pushing you along!
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE