10 Tips for Clutch Shooting During the Fourth Quarter

10 Tips for Clutch Shooting During the Fourth Quarter

10 tips for Clutch shooting during the fourth quarter is one of the most difficult things to do in basketball, but it’s also one of the most important. If you can hit those shots when it matters most, you’ll be more likely to win your games and advance in the playoffs. Here are 10 tips to help you develop into a great clutch shooter during the fourth quarter

1) Pay Attention

During the fourth quarter of a game, it’s easy to get distracted by all the action on the court. Stay focused on the coaches game plan, trusting your teammates and shooting with confidence. Staying focused throughout can be achieved by evaluating past plays and preparing mentally. Sometimes athletes forget to prepare mentally before an event and that is why they perform poorly when they are under pressure.

2) Have Confidence

When the coach puts you in the game, he’s not looking to see if you can hit a bunch of three-pointers. He trusts that you know your role, he trusts that you know your spot on the court, and most importantly, he trusts that you’ll do your job. Basketball is played in spurts of intensity and relaxation; great shooting can be done both ways: When the defense gives too much space, it becomes easier to shoot with confidence from long distance.

3) Focus on Technique, Not Scoring

The fourth quarter is where a lot of people tighten up, playing too tight and trying to impress people. That’s okay, and it’s natural, but your attention should be on technique and fundamentals. Stick to your natural way of playing; focus on doing what you do best – don’t try to impress with fancy or unnecessary shots. Keep working hard and staying positive, doing what you always do, no matter what’s going on around you.

4) Be Ready for Defense

It’s always said that offense always starts on the defensive end. It’s the perfect mindset to have going into the fourth quarter. With that in mind, be ready to defend first and then look to score on the other end of the floor. You can never tell when a team will go on a run, and by getting back on defense after every shot you might be able to get some defensive stops and make it hard for your opponent to score again before you do.

5) Don’t Hesitate

We all have an innate tendency to over-think our shots. In fact, research shows that so-called choking is actually just a product of overthinking. The next time you find yourself on a basketball court and it’s crunch time, don’t hesitate. If you’re open, shoot! Don’t over-think every play, let it flow through you.

6) Practice Makes Perfect!

When you’re exhausted, your hands are clammy, and you can’t feel your legs, it’s easy to get nervous. Remaining calm during these situations is a conscious effort. Practice controlling your breathing during games when you’re winded. This will help you stay calm when those moments arise again during clutch shooting at game time. Put in practice now to improve on later!

7) Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

The process of winning doesn’t feel good. It’s messy, it’s full of failure, and if you want to be great, you have to get comfortable being uncomfortable. You have to like it, even. If a competitor gets inside your head and starts questioning your abilities—after all, they only have confidence in themselves—you have to stay cool and realize that you chose a profession where almost everyone loses most of their games.

8) Play Your Role

It’s important that teammates trust each other wholeheartedly in order to win. Play your role. For example, it may not be your time to shoot, but don’t get in the way of someone who’s taking their shot. A missed shot during an important fourth quarter will break up momentum and throw off everyone else on your team.

9) Visualize Successful Shots Before They Happen

Practicing visualization can help improve your confidence in clutch situations. If you’re on the sidelines during a game, close your eyes and picture yourself making shots. Breathe slowly as you do this, letting each breath fill your body with positive energy and strength.

10) Don’t Let Pressure Distract You From What You Need to Do

Pressure is a distraction. Whether you win or lose, someone will always be displeased. Be a winner. Focus on your play, focus on your skills, and you will come out with a victory every time. It’s not about winning or losing; it’s about how you play. When people are in crunch time situations, they get caught up in a swirl of pressure.

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

If you want to level up your shooting accuracy, we got you. We created the 6ixShooter Academy. A one-stop basketball training program to help elevate your game and become an unstoppable shooter with coach Seth McCoy a.k.a 6ixShooter.  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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